Dimple Sandydowns

Generelle Diskussionen rund um die Person Natalie Portman; verwandte Themen eingeschlossen. Beiträge, die persönliche Informationen zum Gegenstand haben oder den nötigen Respekt vermissen lassen, sind unerwünscht und werden gelöscht.

Beitrag von Gast »

cooper schrieb am 2002-01-13 14:21 :

Maaaan! Warum haben alle außer mir und Rosie-Posie normale Namen? :sad:

Nope, Mungo Goodbody of Frogmorton, mein Name :wink:
Freut mich, dass hier noch andere aus dem Frogmorton Clan hier sind. :smile:

Aber der Name meiner Freundin is ja noch schrecklicher:
Esmerelda Took of Great Smials
Post Attacks!
Beiträge: 139
Registriert: 29.05.2001, 1:00
Wohnort: Österreich

Beitrag von Rupi »

sorry, Passwort vergessen.
The Professional
Beiträge: 789
Registriert: 30.05.2001, 1:00

Beitrag von Aleph »

In anderem Zusammenhang bin ich gerade nochmal über die alte http://www.kabalarians.com/gkh/your.htm gestolpert:

> Your first name of Natalie has created a deep, sensitive, refined nature with an
> intelligent mind. As you are particularly clever along business lines, and have
> mathematical ability and a keen appreciation of material values, you are inclined
> towards the business world. You would do well in a managerial position, as you
> have executive ability and a poised manner able to take charge and see that
> procedures are followed. You appreciate the finer things of life and look for
> quality in your material possessions. Your sensitivity and rather reserved
> manner make it very difficult for people really to know you. It is by actions rather
> than words that you show your regard for others. Your reticence has caused you
> to suffer aloneness and to live much within your own thoughts. You love to
> read, and are touched very deeply by the beauties of nature. Physically you
> suffer through tension in the generative organs which could cause female
> disorders. There is also an over-sensitivity in the heart, lungs, and bronchial
> organs which could lead to related health weaknesses.

*) Stark mit Buchstaben- und Zahlendeutung arbeitende jüdische Geheimlehre und Mystik vor allem im Mittelalter.
